Our friends at Local 240, Mohawk College Faculty, are inviting Support Staff to come out to a free BBQ on Wednesday, April 26th, noon to 2pm, in the Joyce Gallery in front of Fennell Campus.

They’ll be serving burgers, hotdogs, salad, dessert, and a variety of drinks. Vegetarian and gluten-free options will be available. There will be tents and seating, so the BBQ will occur rain or shine. All of our faculty and support staff colleagues are welcome to attend!

Please RSVP to the EventBrite so we can be sure to have enough food on hand.

The event link follows: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/opseu-local-240-end-of-semester-bbq-tickets-617243661407

We hope to see you at the BBQ!

Picture of notebooks, pen, ruler and an apple with text: Local 240 - Mohawk college Faculty