What is a casual employee?

Casual Employees are defined in the part-time collective agreement as working on a call-in basis and/or do not have regularly scheduled hours every week.

These sections of the part-time collective agreement cover casual positions:

  • Article 2.2: Definition of casual employee
  • Appendix 3B: Detail of rights and entitlements for temporary employees

What Collective Agreement Articles apply to casual employees?

Appendix 3B of the part-time collective agreement details the rights of temporary employees. No other provisions will apply unless stated in Appendix 3B.

  • Ontario Human Rights (Article 3.3)
  • Harassment (Article 6)
  • Union Matters (Article 7)
  • Overtime (Article 9.5)
  • Wages (Article 10.1)
  • Holidays (Article 13)
  • Vacation Pay (Article 14.1)
  • Bereavement Leave (Article 15.2)