The recent pre-bargaining conference was a great success, as evidenced by the enthusiastic engagement of the delegates, alternates, and observers. Special guests included 1st Vice President Laurie Nancekivell, the Chairs of the CAAT-A and CAAT-S DivEx, a number of EBMS and, of course, our hardworking OPSEU staff who helped make the weekend fantastic.
The highlight of the conference was the successful election of a student and member to complete the 2020 (Bill 124 negotiations) Bargaining Team. The 2024 Bargaining Team was also elected, and the 2024 EERC. This was a significant achievement and bodes well for future negotiations.
With just under six months remaining until the final demand-setting conference, there is a concerted effort to engage as many part-time members as possible in the 24 colleges.
Overall, the conference was a resounding success and has provided a solid foundation for future bargaining.
To introduce the 2020 Bargaining Team that will complete Bill 124 negotiations:
Noor Askandar, Chair, L557
Duncan McFarlane, Vice Chair, L416
Doreen Follett, L416
Torsten Hamelin, L557
Dale Gartshore, L124
Mercy Ayesha Alohan-Eke, L561
Nicole Fera, L656
Along with 7 Alternates.
To introduce the 2024 Bargaining Team:
Duncan McFarlane, Chair, L416
Doreen Follett, Vice Chair, L416
Noor Askandar, L557
Torsten Hamelin, L557
Patricia Cooper, L563
Fatima Yusuf, L563
Aliza Kassam, L557
Along with 14 Alternates.
Last but not least, we introduce the 2024 Employee/Employer Relations Committee (EERC):
Dale Gartshore, Chair, L124
Doreen Follett, Vice Chair, L416
Torsten Hamelin, L557
Patricia Cooper, L563
Nicole Fera, L656
Along with 10 Alternates.