Hey Everyone,

We were super excited to announce Support Staff Appreciation Month earlier this week. But what we weren’t quite ready to do was announce exactly where and when the events would take place. We still had a few i’s to dot and t’s to cross before we could do that.

But not anymore! We are happy to announce we have an official schedule of SSAM events and here it is!
Calendar of events. Text is in the body of the post.

Ice Cream Socials

Aug 6 @ 11 AM – Lunchroom
Stoney Creek
Aug 6 @ 11:30-1 PM – A Wing Lobby (by Timmies)
Aug 7 @ 11 AM-1 PM – C Wing Cafeteria Courtyard
Aug 7 @ 11:30-1 PM – Third Floor Meeting Room
Aug 8 @ 11 AM – Room 201

We’ll Buy You a Coffee

Aug 13 @ 11 AM – Lunchroom
Stoney Creek
Aug 13 @ 11:30-1 PM – A Wing Lobby (by Timmies)
Aug 14 @ 11 AM-1 PM – Brewed Awakenings (G Wing)
Aug 14 @ 11:30-1 PM – Third Floor Meeting Room
Aug 15 @ 11 AM – Room 201

Lunch is On Us

Aug 20 @ 11 AM – Lunchroom
Stoney Creek
Aug 20 @ 11:30-1 PM – A Wing Lobby (by Timmies)
Aug 21 @ 11 AM-1 PM – C Wing Cafeteria (by Subway)
Aug 21 @ 11:30-1 PM – Third Floor Meeting Room
Aug 22 @ 11 AM – Room 201

We’re pumped to see the awesome response you’ve already had to SSAM. And we really want to keep that energy going! So don’t forget:
  • We’re running an Instagram contest for all Support Staff
  • If you want to take part in the free lunch you’ll need to sign up before the 15th!
  • Don’t be afraid to spread the love this month! Let your coworkers know what’s going on and maybe take some time to recognize the work they’re doing!

In solidarity and looking forward to seeing you at the events!

Local 241