OPSEU-SEFPO Local 241 - Mohawk College Support Staff


Be part of an inclusive Hamilton

Hamilton for All is a public education campaign that aims at stimulating dialogue and opening minds by encouraging Hamiltonians to stand up against prejudice, exclusion and discrimination based on ethnicity, race, religion, country of origin, disability, sexual orientation and other differences.

Hamilton for All celebrates diversity and encourages residents to be part of Hamilton’s vision to be a Hamilton For All.

Hamilton for All envisions an inclusive Hamilton by starting conversations among residents and paving the way to unlearning assumptions about people who are different and at the same time promoting community-wide changes.

Learn more: https://hamiltonforall.ca/

Apply now for OPSEU/SEFPO scholarships

OPSEU/SEFPO is now inviting applications for annual scholarships.

  • The Fred Upshaw scholarship will be awarded to a dependent of a racialized OPSEU/SEFPO member in good standing who is pursuing studies in labour relations and/or social justice and human rights and is studying at a publicly-funded, publicly-run post-secondary institution in Ontario.
  • The Karen Millar Memorial Scholarship is open to dependents of OPSEU/SEFPO members in good standing who are enrolled in a Social Services program at a Canadian college or university in the 2023-2024 school year.
  • The Amy Stiles Scholarship is open to the dependents of any contract faculty who is an OPSEU/SEFPO member in good standing, and who is confirmed as having worked on a contract at one of Ontario’s public colleges within the six months prior to the application deadline
  • The Larry Cripps Scholarship is open to dependents of OPSEU/SEFPO members in good standing who are confirmed as enrolled in either a Police Foundations Course or a Law and Security/Corrections course at a publicly-funded, recognized Canadian university or college in the 2022-2023 school year.
  • OPSEU/SEFPO offers ten Global Solidarity scholarships annually to support our goals of social justice and global solidarity. These scholarships are open to dependents of OPSEU/SEFPO members in good standing who are studying at a publicly funded, recognized Canadian university or college in the 2023-2024 school year.

Please be sure to apply before the July 30, 2023 deadline. Learn more

Graphic of a hand holding a pencil. OPSEU logo. text Education and Organizing. url opseu.org/education
2023 June 29|Education|

June 3 Rally and March

Members of Mohawk’s Local 241 and 240 joined the rally and march in Hamilton on the province-wide day of action June 3. From wages that aren’t keeping up, to sky-high housing costs, to longer and longer hospital wait times, communities across the province came together on Saturday to say “Enough is Enough.”

pictures of people in a collage taken at the rally
2023 June 8|Political Action|

May Town Hall follow up

Thank you so much to those that attended the Local 241 Town Hall on May 17. 

There were many great questions that were raised and if you were unable to attend, please check out the Q&A summary.

We also shared a new support resource for FT Position Description Forms (PDFs). The PDF is a standardized document detailing the job’s aspects and duties.
We want to hear your feedback! Let us know what you would like to see for your local by filling out a quick survey.

2023 May 28|All Members|

June 3 is the province-wide day of action to say: “Enough is enough!”

Workers in Ontario have had enough.

  • We’re fed up with low wages, sky-high rent, and bills we can’t afford
  • We’re fed up with attacks on our health care system and crumbling public services.
  • We’re fed up with the rich getting richer, while workers struggle to make ends meet.

When workers come together, we can win. That’s why, on June 3, we’re taking it to the streets.

Here’s how to get involved:

1.    Find an action on Saturday June 3rd near you here

2.    Join us for a sign making party at the Hamilton Regional Office-Thursday June 1st 5-7pm at 505 York Blvd.

3.    Take part in the rally and march at Gore Park at noon on Saturday June 3rd province-wide day of action.

For more information check out Enough is Enough Day of Action-OFL

 We need to step up and make our workplaces better, hope to see you there!

The 2023 Johnson Scholarship Program is now open

Johnson Insurance is proud to offer 50 scholarships, valued at $1000 each, to eligible students completing high school in 2023 and starting post-secondary education in the fall of 2023. Since Johnson Insurance is our preferred home and car insurance provider, any qualifying child/grandchild of an OPSEU 241 policy holder, member or employee, is eligible to apply.

For more information or to obtain full requirements and submission instructions, visit johnson.ca/scholarship.

Image of a black furry dog with a graduation cap. Johnson Insurance logo. Text: Scholarship Program 2023 Open April 27, 2023
2023 May 14|Partners|

Part Time Pre-Bargaining Conference Update

The recent pre-bargaining conference was a great success, as evidenced by the enthusiastic engagement of the delegates, alternates, and observers. Special guests included 1st Vice President Laurie Nancekivell, the Chairs of the CAAT-A and CAAT-S DivEx, a number of EBMS and, of course, our hardworking OPSEU staff who helped make the weekend fantastic. 

The highlight of the conference was the successful election of a student and member to complete the 2020 (Bill 124 negotiations) Bargaining Team. The 2024 Bargaining Team was also elected, and the 2024 EERC. This was a significant achievement and bodes well for future negotiations. 

With just under six months remaining until the final demand-setting conference, there is a concerted effort to engage as many part-time members as possible in the 24 colleges.  

Overall, the conference was a resounding success and has provided a solid foundation for future bargaining. 

To introduce the 2020 Bargaining Team that will complete Bill 124 negotiations: 

Noor Askandar, Chair, L557
Duncan McFarlane, Vice Chair, L416 
Doreen Follett, L416 
Torsten Hamelin, L557 
Dale Gartshore, L124
Mercy Ayesha Alohan-Eke, L561 
Nicole Fera, L656 
Along with 7 Alternates. 

To introduce the 2024 Bargaining Team: 

Duncan McFarlane, Chair, L416
Doreen Follett, Vice Chair, L416
Noor Askandar, L557
Torsten Hamelin, L557
Patricia Cooper, L563
Fatima Yusuf, L563
Aliza Kassam, L557
Along with 14 Alternates. 

Last but not least, we introduce the 2024 Employee/Employer Relations Committee (EERC):

Dale Gartshore, Chair, L124 
Doreen Follett, Vice Chair, L416
Torsten Hamelin, L557 
Patricia Cooper, L563 
Nicole Fera, L656
Along with 10 Alternates. 

decorative: OPSEU logo
2023 May 11|Bargaining, Part-Time Members|

Full-time and Part-time Support Staff – May Town Hall

OPSEU Local 241 is hosting an Informational Town Hall meeting via Zoom for all Support Staff members on Wednesday, May 17, at noon.

We’re holding the Town Hall to inform new and old members on what the union is, what it can do for you, how it’s structured, who your Stewards are, what all the acronyms mean, and how to make a strong union overall.  

We also want to take the time to answer your questions! Please submit any questions when registering, and we’ll be happy to answer them at the meeting.

Click here to RSVP. You must register with a non-Mohawk email address. We’d appreciate your questions and RSVP before Friday, May 12 at noon.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Decorative: OPSEU logo
2023 May 3|All Members|

The National Day of Mourning April 28

Marked annually in Canada on April 28, the National Day of Mourning is dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives, suffered injury or illness on the job, or experienced a work-related tragedy.

The National Day of Mourning is not only a day to remember and honour those lives lost or injured due to a workplace tragedy, but also a day to collectively renew our commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace and prevent further injuries, illnesses and deaths.

More than 100 countries, including Canada recognize the National Day of Mourning.  But there is still a lot to accomplish in order to improve the safety of workers.

Watch and remember. Honour all the people who have died, been injured or suffered illness at work: https://youtu.be/O9c9BIBWEdw

2023 April 25|All Members|

About Local 241

OPSEU/SEFPO Local 241 proudly represents all Support Staff at Mohawk College.

Local Stewards and elected Officers are volunteers. We help our members navigate the unionized workplace and understand, exercise, and enforce our rights under the collective agreement.

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